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J.W. Harvey is a shapeshifting creative in New York. A longtime writer, he began to use the arts of acting and modeling to explore new characters and emotional depths, repackaging his experiences in words for the reader to unwrap. He candy-coats deep intellectuality with shiny commercial ribbon, creating artistic layers that all audiences can consume.


While he appreciates novel & screenplay writing, he is most entertained by fleshing out the puns of his short-form visual poetry. He often finds inspiration for his extended metaphor from a close look at the visual cues of daily life, fleshing out intricate views from the seemingly mundane with Poems in a Moment.  Instagram, FYI. "He" is talking about Instagraming poetry.)


Although a self-professed intellectual, J.W. still revels in his generation's narcissism and finds merrit in blogging, hoping to flesh out the work of his deep poetic study in an expanded, digestible format. He likens blogs to the extracted file of his poetry's "compressed folder," doing the file's unzipping for the receiver's sake, though ever aware of the possibility of media quality loss.


J.W.'s work can be read on the Huffington Post, as blogger for the acclaimed band October Project, in poetry magazine Pilgrim's Poem, paired with artist Nigel Borrington's work, and more.

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